Paige by Pamela Reid



DIMENSIONS (Height - 62.00 cm X Width - 70.00 cm )
GENRE Portrait
REGISTERED NRN # 000-1414-0134-01
COPYRIGHT © Pamela Reid


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Artist: Pamela Reid


Pamela Reid – Artist statement 

A passion can be sublimated, postponed, pushed down and neglected. But eventually it demands to be recognised. An enthusiasm for art and photography from childhood took back seat as Pamela pursued a career in advertising (in Australia and UK), then for 25 years in the entertainment industry.

Her love of both performance and visual arts, along with an ability to visualise and comprehend design and composition, played an essential role in her working life, but in her personal life, creativity continued to emerge.

Much of Pamela’s work is influenced by light, an almost life-time (she was given her first camera at the age of ten) of “seeing” through a camera lens. In her life drawing, she responds to the impact of light on the form and tonal qualities of the body’s framework. Similarly, when painting landscape, Pamela prefers to work outdoors, en plein air, to capture the daylight on the surrounding shapes and textures.


Solo exhibitions:

2019: "Stage Door" Chapel Off Chapel, Foyer Gallery  
A fusion of Pamela's professional and personal passions, paying homage to her showbiz family, friends, and career in the entertainment industry. From the artist’s studio to treading the boards, the exhibition captured the rhythms of life behind the Stage Door.


2019: "en plein air" Eagles Nest Fine Art Gallery, Aireys Inlet 
Oils on canvas paper artworks painted during various travels including Tuscany, Portugal, UK and Aireys Inlet.


2018: "Wish You Were Here: Chapel Off Chapel, Foyer Gallery
En plein air oil paintings from travels in Australia and abroad. 


2017: "Pen to Paper" Foyer Gallery, The Capital Theatre, Bendigo 
Life drawings, works on paper, Influenced by the words of writers and classic literature authors including John Ruskin, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Frank Lloyd Wright and W. Somerset Maugham.


2016: "Women in Love - along the Great Ocean Road: Eagles Nest Fine Art Gallery, Aireys Inlet 
With new life drawing artworks, inspired by the words of classic literary authors.


2015: "Women in Love"  Chapel Off Chapel,  Foyer Gallery 
An exhibition of life drawings, evoked by the words of literary authors who delved into the intricacies and extremes of emotions in love. 


2011:  “Upstaged”  – “Midsumma Festival”, Gasworks
Boys and girls of the theatre (various mediums)

2009:  “Light and Day”  -  Gasworks Arts Park
Images of early morning wanderings from around the world: printworks and other mediums

2008:  “Fabric”   -  Gasworks Arts Park
Off-cuts of Japanese silk fabrics inspired the backgrounds for artworks with life forms

2007:  “Body of Work”  -  Gasworks Arts Park
Life drawings, and collage of life forms, in pastel, charcoal and graphite


Contact:   Pamela Reid     m: 0409 908 008    e :

Copyright: Gallery247